Lana is a monster hunter. She kills vampires, werewolves, demons and all the other terrifying creatures of the night. She doesn't do it because she's the chosen one. She doesn't do it because it's her duty. She does it because working one job just doesn't cut it for a millenial in Southern California.
She takes contracts using iHunt, an app which freelance monster hunters use to find profitable prey. It's like Supernatural meets Uber, Buffy meets Airbnb, and sadly, Blade meets Fiverr.
Lana's story is about making ends meet, about economic anxiety, and about what a person's willing to do to pay the bills. It's a equal parts horror, dark humor, slice of life, and social commentary on the gig economy.
She deals with the same problems other millennials face: begging the landlord to extend your rent due date until the next paycheck comes, dating guys not concerned about their partners' orgasms, dating women who have to sleep all day because they burn in the sun, the cost of clothing you need to replace because you got into a fight with the undead, and trying to explain that the security footage where you're killing a guy is actually a viral social experiment to advertise your new film. You know, normal millennial issues. I'm sorry, I meant to say #millenialissues. Gotta get those views!