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A Game Jam About Love

One of my plans was that I'd let anyone reading know about game jams I might do or get involved with or think you might like. They're a kinda cool way to try something, practice a game making skill or blow off some emotional steam.

Anyway, as of this weekend, I am hurting a lot. The US is failing itself over and over again when it comes to protecting its citizapens from bigotry and gun violence. I honestly don't know if it will get better. I feel helpless and weak. You might be feeling similar. So, anyway, if your so inclined, you might consider this on going game jam. It's about love. I don't know how else to combat hate.

From the post you can read here.

What is the iluJam?

The International Love Ultimatum is your opportunity to spend a month building a romantically-themed video game. Dating sims and visual novel adventure games are usually the most common entry type but others like RPGs and text-only Twine games are completely valid! I like to keep the genre selection open, just make sure a theme of your game is LOVE.

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